T levels - collection of data from August 2024

T levels - collection of data from August 2024

Announcing Alps collection of T Level outcomes

From Results Season in August 2024, we will begin collecting T Level outcomes from schools and colleges using Alps. The purpose is twofold: 

  1. Can we set MEGs and benchmarks?
    1. Collection of data will allow us to carry out a feasibility study prior to the release of DfE national data in March 2025. During the feasibility project we will determine if we can set Minimum Expected Grades and value-added benchmarks for the T Levels from Alps customer data. 
    2. We will carry out the feasibility project in September and communicate findings and next steps by 30 September 2024
  2. Integration into Connect
    1. The second part of T Level integration will be to display outcomes and allow tracking within Connect. This project will take place across the next Academic Year and will involve talking to our customers about what you want to see in terms of tracking of T Levels. 

What do I need to do on Results Day?
  1. Upload your examination outcomes for T Levels for 2024. Note that you will be able to upload historical outcomes for 2023 and 2022. 
  2. We need you to upload: 
    1. The Occupational Specialism grade - pass, merit, distinction
    2. The Core grade - A*-E
  3. Our system will calculate overall T level grade 
Final note: you will not be able to track T Level outcomes in Connect this year but we will work with you to ensure essential measures are identified and can be incorporated into our systems.