Subject Analysis exports (Subject Page) for KS4
These are critical pages for subject staff to understand, they will help to identify priorities for department improvement plans and teaching schemes. This PDF export is a powerful tool for enabling subject staff to look at progress made by groups of students against their MEGs, including disadvantaged, gender and prior attainment.
Connect complements and extends the analysis by subject area.
Each subject has its own benchmark thermometer that compares that subject department to all other departments of the same subject in the DfE national dataset. An Alps score of 1.00 means that all students have achieved their MEGs, but this can lead to different Alps grades for each subject, as each subject thermometer is unique. Students within the subject cohort are listed individually showing their MEG and their actual grades (or predicted grades if using this page in Connect Interactive monitoring). Remember that a GCSE report will have similar pages showing the detail of each group within a subject.

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