The Student Analysis Overview shows how a student performed in each course they took against their Alps MEGs, ranked by their prior attainment score.
In Connect you can filter the year group by tutor groups, allowing tutors or mentors to access progress data and support students in reaching their minimum expected grades and beyond.
You can also filter by performance groups including gender, disadvantage and prior attainment.
In addition there is a comparsion group here for performance over all subjects:
Colouring: The grade cells are colour coded to reflect how the actual grade compares to the Alps minimum expected grade. If the actual grade:
- meets or exceeds the minimum expected grade the subject is coloured = RED
- achieves the lower of a split target = PINK
- is one grade lower than the minimum expected grade = GREY
- is more than one grade below the minimum expected grade = BLUE
The page can be exported to excel.
In the My Reports area of the homepage, you can look at your excel file showing the page with some additional columns.
This file contains a ‘grades on target’ percentage which is specific to the qualification type of the report within which it is contained.

The short video below shows some of the functionality of the SPO in Connect Interactive:
2 mins