Quality of Teaching and Learning (Red and Blue Teaching Scores)
Your RED teaching and BLUE teaching scores and grades are based on the percentage of entries in subjects that were graded either 1-3 or 7-9. Subjects with more entries have the most impact on both indicators.
You want your RED teaching percentage to be as high as possible, in other words, a higher percentage of entries in subjects which are overall RED.
Conversely, you want your BLUE teaching percentage to be as low as possible, meaning that fewer students have sat examinations in subjects with an overall BLUE outcome.
The extract below shows the percentage of entries that are scored 1,2 and 3 (Red), 4,5 and 6 (Black) and 7,8 and 9 (Blue). These percentages are then compared to national data and Red and Blue Teaching and Learning scores are shown on their respective thermometers.

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