Performing 'What if?' analysis

Performing 'What if?' analysis

You can alter student grades in the Subject section of Connect to see what effect it will have on the Alps score and grade of a subject.

Open a subject's page by selecting it from the table you are presented with when opening the Subject Analysis section of Connect. Now select the Students page from the navigation menu; you will be presented with a list of all your students, their information and their grades in the chosen Gradepoint.

Use the What if? toggle to enable the ability to adjust the grades. You will notice that an additional tab will appear on your thermometer which will show you the effect of your changes.

Next to each grade you will now see up and down arrows. You can use these to move your grade up and down, and the right hand tabs on your thermometer will start to change automatically.

What ifs can be saved and returned to later using the save button in the top-left.


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