We are delighted to announce the release of our new Strategic Analysis section within Connect. The new section will replace the existing Strategic Analysis zone and is due for release in May 2023.
The new section has been developed to look and feel like the rest of Connect, and to make your analysis simpler and more efficient. It will also allow us to add additional functionality to the platform.
We will be adding new features such as:
A drag and drop on the Quality Indictor thermometer, showing you how many grades might be needed to change you overall Alps grade.
A 'What If' on subjects - if you move one subject into the red, how might this affect you overall QI Alps grade?
Click into cells on BBPA tables to show students contributing to progress being made within the band.
An A*/A Attainment column on the A level Attainment Profile page.
Watch this video for more details on what you can expect from the new strategic pages, or read the blog below.
Welcome to the new Strategic Section of Connect
Open the new Strategic section by clicking on the New Strategic Analysis bar on the Homepage
Welcome to the new Strategic Landing page - before you do anything, make sure that you have selected the gradepoint trend you want to analyse using the gradepoint selector.
You have two options here:
Start a new Strategic Analysis session
Create a PDF Report
Creating a new interactive session
Selecting an examination level - the options available to you here will depend on your gradepoint selection. The qualifications available will adjust according to data available in your primary gradepoint.
If you have a results gradepoint selected then you will be able to choose KS5 and KS4 from the dropdown
A KS5 monitoring gradepoint will allow for the selection of KS5 qualifications only
A KS4 monitoring gradepoint will allow for the selection of KS4 qualifications only
Decide how you want your analysis to look
You can select multiple qualification types to display across your interactive pages
Use the dropdown to select these now
You can always add qualifications to pages as you navigate through your strategic session
Comparisons are optional - you can add these once you start your session
Selecting these from the landing page will mean that each page and each strategic analysis table will automatically display a performance group profile by default
Create Session - this will generate your strategic analysis pages according to your selections in the dropdowns above.
NOTE: Once you start a session you will notice the message below appear next to the gradepoint selector
This message means that your session settings will be stored. You can safely navigate away from the strategic zone, for example to subject analysis and safely return to the session as you had left it with all settings applied.
Clicking on the red stop button will reset the whole session and allow you to start again.
Using the interactive pages
Once you have clicked 'Create Session', you will be taken to the overview page.
Qualifications selected on the landing page will show as tabs, and you can navigate between the qualification types without having to restart the strategic template
You can add more qualifications using the 'Add exam levels' dropdown
All tables in the strategic section contain the same indicators as you are used to in the old strategic report.
Navigate to different strategic pages by hovering on the 'Overview' in the title menu
You can apply a comparison to each table by selecting it from the dropdown. Note that if you have pre-selected a comparison on the landing page, then tables will automatically show this comparison group across all available strategic pages.
Select comparison
Table shows groups underneath main indicator row
The Focus on dropdown allows you to filter one of the comparison groups at any time
All tables are exportable individually to excel. If you have multiple qualifcation tabs applied, then these will export as separate excel files.
NOTE: The Raw Results page in the old strategic section is now called Attainment profile
The PDF Report
At present, the PDFs that are generated are existing PDFs using old formatting. We will develop new PDF exports across next Academic Year allowing you to export analysis more aligned to how it appears on the screen.
Select your qualification type - you can select multiple levels at once
Set your Report template
This selection uses the existing templates in the old strategic analysis section.
The Main Provider Report is the most popular and will export all analysis pages
Governor Reports export key headline pages only
Custom allows you to select individual/multiple pages
Select a comparison - optional. When added pages will export for each comparison group alongside the overall pages.
In the new strategic section, we have made sure that you can navigate away from the strategic pages and return to pick up where you left the session. In this video we look at creation of a session, navigation to the student section of Connect, and ...
In the new strategic section, we have designed the comparisons option to be easy to apply and flexible. There are two ways in which you can use the comparison option to compare the performance of your student groups across the strategic pages: 1. ...
In the new strategic section, we have made sure that you can still build and export strategic PDF reports from any gradepoint you select. At present, the PDFs that are generated are existing PDFs using old formatting. We will develop new PDF exports ...
This article provides guidance on how to view and analyse your consortium monitoring data if the Roll and Taught at columns have been populated in Connect Data. Article relevant to: Country England, Wales, Northern Ireland, International Schools ...
The data on this page pulls together all the various subject scores and provides the overall school or college value-added progress measures for the last 4 years. It is the strategic starting point for most senior leaders and has several key ...