Comparing outcomes to Personalised Targets on the Student Analysis Overview
By default, the Student Analysis Overview page allows you to
compare the grades for any Gradepoint against the MEGs at a cohort level. The colours
of the subject lozenges for each student give a visual guide as to whether
students are above, on or below MEG for each data drop.
This means that you can look horizontally across your Year Groups and identify subjects where students are making good progress with regards to their MEGs, and where they are attaining grades below the MEG.
We have added a toggle button into the Student Analysis Overview section which will allow you to switch the view so that the subject lozenges then compare the Gradepoint to the Personalised Target (PT) instead of the MEG.
Read on or watch our video below:
The first screenshot shows the toggle switched to the MEG. The lozenges continue to show the colours against the MEG for subject progress.

If the toggle is now switched to the PT, the colours of each lozenge will now be determined by the
PT, showing where students are performing above, at or below this subject
Many schools and colleges use the PT to define subject specific
target grades using the MEG as a starting point. This new feature will allow
colleagues to look strategically across the Year Group to identify progress
made towards these PTs.
Exporting to excel will mirror the toggle producing a spreadsheet
showing the grades against either the MEG or the PT, depending on how the
switch was applied on the page at the time of export.
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