Different Types of Prior Attainment Scores

Different Types of Prior Attainment Scores

Your Prior Attainment scores can be imported within the + Year Group step, or you can use the + Prior Attainment wizards to import your data and make use of our prior attainment calculators.

The Prior Attainment import wizard will change based upon the Academic Year and Year Group of your import, the articles below give details of how to produce the files you will need to import into this wizard.


Key Stage 5

All KS5 imports will need an Average GCSE Score, regardless of country.

Please note that the term APS (or average point score) often includes all level 2 qualifications whereas the Alps Average GCSE score does not include other level 2 equivalents. Please see our Average GCSE Calculation rules for further details.


Key Stage 4

For KS4 imports, you will need a DfE Key to Success export if you are from England, or the Year 8 Welsh National Test data if you from a Welsh school. The appropriate prior achievement will be automatically available.


Why we need prior attainment scores

Alps works on a value-add system, we measure how your students are progressing from their baseline score, or prior attainment. If you would like to know more about the prior attainment scores and the Alps methodology, please see our article Introduction to Alps for Data Managers.

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