Average GCSE Score Calculation - Grade Conversions

Average GCSE Score Calculation - Grade Conversions

For all KS5 imports, you will need the Average GCSE Scores as a baseline for your students.

The manual GCSE Score calculator allows you to enter the received GCSE grades one by one, and will calculate the Average GCSE Score for you. 

Key Stage 5 Prior attainment – calculation of average GCSE score Alps is a value added tool. It considers the progress a student makes from the start of their course (measured via their GCSE scores) through to the completion of the course (their A/AS/vocational results).

  1. The average GCSE score is based on GCSEs only and does not include any level 2 equivalent subjects.
  2. The best GCSE grade achieved before commencing post 16 L3 studies is used.
  3. The combined science grade is counted as 2 GCSEs. (i.e. 8-7 is 15 points with the weighting of 2 GCSEs)
  4. To calculate the Alps Average GCSE Score, add up the points for each grade and divide by the number of subjects.   
  5. GCSE short courses are weighted as 0.5.   
  6. Level 2 equivalent qualifications are not included in the Alps Average GCSE Score calculation.
All post 16 students should be included, but the GCSE score should be left blank for a student with 2 GCSEs or less.

Grade conversions in England from 19/20 onwards:

9=9  A*=8.5
8=8  A=7
7=7  B=5.5
6=6  C=4
5=5  D=3
4=4  E=2
3=3  F=1.5
2=2  G=1
1=1  U=0

Grade conversions in England before 19/20:

9=8  A*=8
8=7.67  A=7
7=7  B=6
6=6.33  C=5
5=5.67  D=4
4=5  E=3
3=4  F=2
2=3  G=1
1=1  U=0

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