This article will give details of how you can use our Auto Roll-over tool to move your Year Groups from one to the next, saving you time when creating your Cohorts.
What is roll-over?
If you have existing data, you can roll-over the data for these year groups into the next academic year (in Northern Ireland, this feature is available for Year 11 and Year 13).
This will transfer the student data – including ID number, prior attainment, name and any data entered such as ethnicity and disadvantage – into the next year. Any custom columns added will also be rolled over, you can delete these later however. There is no option to roll-over the Teaching Data from one academic year to the next, and the values in the ‘Year Group’ column will automatically change to the new study year.
This saves you having to re-enter data which is unlikely to change, such as ethnicity and names.
How can I roll-over my Year Groups?
This video will show you how to roll your student data over:
Why can’t I roll Year 11 into Year 12?
Due to the complexities and variations of the Average GCSE Score calculation during the introduction and roll out of the reformed GCSE subjects and 9-1 grading system, we are not allowing the roll over of Year 11 into Year 12.
There are often large changes to cohort composition which occur in the transition from KS4 to KS5, so in many cases it would be quicker to reimport a file rather than make individual edits where students have left and joined.
Step 1: Rolling Over Existing Student Data If you have existing student data from the previous year, you can roll this over into your current year. You cannot roll-over Y13 or Y11 data, but please feel free to roll-over Y12 into Y13 and Y10 into Y11. ...
This article will show you how to make edits to the student data you have imported. You can make edits individually, using the Edit Student screen, or in bulk, using either merge or overwrite. Editing individual students Bulk updates – merge and ...
We have devised a series of video shorts to help you get the most from the tools and features in Connect. A quick guide to the Student Analysis Overview section, including a colour description and an overview of the Performance Group comparison.
The Student Analysis Overview shows how a student performed in each course they took against their Alps MEGs, ranked by their prior attainment score. In Connect you can filter the year group by tutor groups, allowing tutors or mentors to access ...
By default, the Student Analysis Overview page allows you to compare the grades for any Gradepoint against the MEGs at a cohort level. The colours of the subject lozenges for each student give a visual guide as to whether students are above, on or ...