Administrators' best practice

Administrators' best practice

Alps advise that each school/college have a minimum of two administrators. If you are the only administrator for your organisation, nominate a colleague who can assist in your absence. You will know if you are an administrator, if you can see the Manage Users section on the homepage.

Ensure that any members of staff who leave have their account disabled. This removes them from the active user list and revokes their access. 

Do all of your colleagues have an appropriate level of access? You can check this by clicking on 'Edit' next to a user.

You can also toggle the users who are the Alps Champion and Data Contact for your school/college:

Access levels 

No Access: User only has access to Connect Interactive. 

View Full PDF Reports: User can view full PDF reports as well as having access to Connect Interactive. Note: For a Group/MAT account this access level will allow users to see all of the reports for each School and College.   

Upload Data and View Full PDF Reports: User can view reports, use Connect Interactive and upload, edit and view data. Note: For a Group/MAT account this access level will allow users to see all of the data and reports for each School and College. 

To choose an access level for a user, simply click on the arrow to bring down the three levels of access, then choose the suitable access level for the user. 

If you want to give the user administrative rights, make sure the admin toggle is on. This will give the user access to edit and add other users.

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