Key Stage 4 England: MEG changes to bands 7 and 10
We have reviewed some of our MEGs at KS4 to ensure that they remain aspirational against Attainment 8 and Progress 8 figures. These will take effect from KS4 Gradepoints in September 2022. You can see the amends to Bands 7 and 10 in the table below:
Removal of the Curriculum Balance Factor from the 2016 BTEC suite
Historically, the overall Quality Indicator score for BTECs has had a Curriculum Balance Factor applied to it to take into account the variation in subject value-added scores of the BTEC courses. The way in which we now construct our benchmarks for ...
Key Stage 4 Performance Measures – Set up Instructions
Key Stage 4 Performance Measures – Set up Instructions You will need to follow these instructions to set up your new KS4 Performance Measures section. 1. Setting up permissions a. The main KS4 headline page has a permissions level which ...
A Level and AS Level Benchmarks KS5 England
Benchmarks have stayed the same for 2021/22, due to the teacher assessed grades. We use national data provided by the DfE to calculate our full suite of benchmark scores. All the explanation pages and 2019 benchmarks for KS4 and KS5 can be found in ...
Setting personalised targets
MEGs are set at the 75th percentile and based on the banded performance tables across the full suite of qualifications covered by Alps analysis. You can find full details of the MEGs in our Alps Guide, available form the Connect Homepage in Resources ...
Subject Benchmarks
We can benchmark many subjects, however for some there is insufficient national data available from the DfE for this to be possible. This can be because the subject is new or due to low numbers of students taking a course nationally. Where a subject ...
Students not included in Key Indicator Calculations
Value added progress cannot be calculated for students without a prior achievement score. The Alps report will show you the individual students did not have a prior achievement score in the data file you submitted to Alps. Please check that these are ...
Split MEG Grades and setting targets
In this article we discuss the ways in which the MEG split grades can be interpreted In some qualifications, the MEG table will display a split grade for a given prior attainment band. In the table below for example, you can see that prior ...
Alps and the L3VA Technical comparison guide
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The tables below supplement the subject benchmarks in the Alps guide which is available to download form the home page of your Connect account. For Schools in England and International schools following the 9-1 graded GCSE subjects: For Schools in ...
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