November 2024
26/2/2025- Apply Comparison limit to Strategic Analysis
Product: Connect Problem: The logic to limit comparisons to only 4 needs to be added to the Internal Strategic Analysis Comparisons Drop down menu Solution: Logic updated in the Internal Strategic Comparisons
26/2/2025 - Wales KS5 Strategic Analysis Export Failing
Product: Connect Problem: Reports not exporting for Wales KS5 Alevel GPs Solution: Caused by changes made to include WBQ into the report meant that the report failed. . Resolved by creating specific reporting that does not have WBQ.
04/02/2025 - IB page - adding a comparison the numbers results in incorrect figures
Product: Connect Problem: When analysing IB, if a comparison is applied, the figures are not calculating correctly. Solution: Review of the code in the report, updated where necessary and comparisons re-checked. Student and subject numbers are ...
04/02/2025 - Strategic Analysis Attainment Profile -> Fails to Load with PA Comparison group
Product: Connect Problem: Failure to load PA comparison groups. Solution: Review of the code in the report, updated where necessary and comparisons re-checked. PA working correctly.
10/12/2024 Available in Connect – 2024 Provisional Attainment 8 estimates
We are delighted to announce that we have updated our KS4 platform to include the latest DfE Attainment 8 estimates. Your KS4 gradepoints will be updated automatically across Monday 9th December meaning you do not have to take any action to see the ...
27/11/2025 - IB measures - incorrect values
Product: Connect Problem: IB Page is experiencing multiple issues Student number Was being doubled in the analysis. Pass rate % and count showing zeros For example, Student 81, 81 should pass IB, and their Mean Subject Grade should not be 3.50 These ...
25/11/2024 - Wales KS5 Strategic Analysis Export Failing
Product: Connect Problem: Strategic analysis exports for KS5 A Level and KS4 were failing for Welsh customers. Solution: Updated the export API to restart the service.
25/11/2024 - PTs not appearing in single student window in the student analysis section
Product: Connect Problem: Personalised Targets not appearing when clicking on a student Solution: Report Generator updated and fix applied.
11/11/2024 - Fine grades were not showing in Connect
Product: Connect Problem: Fine grades were not showing in Connect Interactive after adding the data into Connect data. Solution: A fix was applied and the issue was resolved.
11/11/2024 - U grade counting as a higher grade
U grade counting as a higher grade Product: Connect Interactive Problem: An error was found when comparing trends. The U grade was calculating as a +4 from an E grade. Solution: Calculations have now been corrected so a U reflects as -1 from an E, ...
30/10/2024 - Attainment page - no difference displayed on entry
Customer Issue: On logging in to Connect, on subject pages the Difference column was showing as zero until user changed 'Comparison Gradepoint' dropdown and selected another comparison. , When new comparison selected the difference column showed the ...